Welcome Ethical Metalsmiths Members!
The Chicago Responsible Jewelry Conference is delighted to offer your membership a special discount rate for attending the conference.
In return, we ask that you promote the conference to your membership. The jewelry industry responsible supply chain movement's success rate is directly tied to our knowledge sharing and participation, so this is very important.
On this page, you'll find all the links and copy you need to promote the conference and inform your membership! Thank you again. We can't create a truly responsible industry without you.
What's On This Page
Conference Details
Responsible Gem Boutique Details
Copy for Your Email Outreach
Images for Your Social and Email Outreach
Use this Code for your EM 10% Discount
Letter to Members
You may find it convenient to cut-and-paste this letter into your email and other communications.
The third annual Chicago Responsible Jewelry Conference (CRJC) will take place October 25 & 26 at Columbia College in Chicago. And the third annual Responsible Gem Boutique will take place Thursday October 24, 2019, in Chicago’s Jewelers Mall.
The CRJC is an international jewelry industry conference with a mission to further the movement of "Responsible Jewelry." This year’s conference promises to be informative and educational, with an impressive lineup of presenters and panelists. Confirmed for this year are speakers representing organizations including Responsible Jewellery Council, Cortez Pearls, Jewelers Vigilance Committee, Human Rights Watch, Google Earth, NGOs IMPACT and PACT, the World Bank, the US State Department, US Southern Command (Navy), the Department of Defense, National Geographic, Moyo Gems, Gardens of the Sun, the World Bank, Ethical Metalsmiths, the FBI, and the Enough Project.
Content will include discussions about creating short and direct supply chains, how to practically implement responsible initiatives in your business, presentations about improvement efforts from around the world, and discussions about what we must do better and how we can do that.
A special note from Ethical Metalsmiths's President Alexandra Hart
When you attend the Chicago Responsible Jewelry Conference, you will experience first-hand the depth and breadth of this Responsible Jewelry Movement. Even more important, you become a part of it. Ethical Metalsmiths is the community where we collaborate, share, and support each others' efforts year round. Join Ethical Metalsmiths now, and receive a discount to the next Chicago Responsible Jewelry Conference, along with all the professional level benefits that come with being directly involved with this community.
One of the things that makes the Chicago Responsible Jewelry Conference different is that our goal is to create direct conversations and information sharing between all members of the jewelry supply chains, from miners to marketers. No other conference in the world creates this kind of synergy throughout its supply chain. Conference representatives come from a variety of international associations, mining organizations, gem cutters, and gemstone suppliers, including the Tanzanian Women's Mining Association, Patricia Mweene of Zambia, who represents Zambian Gem Cutters, and Jagdish Patel, Director of People Trailing and Research Centre in India. Ian Bone of Capricorn Gems will be bringing an assortment of responsible gems from Australia to the Responsible Gem Boutique. Stuart Pool will be traveling from the UK to join the Gem Boutique. And we have representatives from women’s mining associations joining from Kenya and Tanzania. The Chicago Conference enjoys significant participation from six continents.
Please take a look at our websites, and then buy your tickets today. Past attendees tell us repeatedly that the Chicago Conference is transformative. You will join a vibrant community of thinkers and do-ers, and learn more than you thought possible in three short days.
Important Links
Conference Home Page: http://crjc.info/em-home
Registration Page: http://crjc.info/em-register
Responsible Gem Boutique: http://crjc.info/em-boutique
CRJC Chicago Flag Shirt: http://crjc.info/em-flag
CRJC Logo Shirt: http://crjc.info/em-logo
SWAG Benefits: http://crjc.info/em-swag
Promotional Images
Please feel free to use these images - or any of the other images on the Chicago Responsible Jewelry Conference Website - for your promotion of the event.